Last week was pretty much the end of u-pick strawberries, and though they were a little harder to find, there were still some beautiful specimens left.


There you are; I see you…


This simple and somewhat unusual recipe makes the most of the sweetness and flavor of the berries…terrific over ice cream, with pound cake or shortcake, or just some crispy cookies and fresh whipped cream.  (If you had a bar of dark chocolate hanging around to shave over it, that wouldn’t suck either.)  It originally appeared on Tori Ritchie’s excellent blog, The Tuesday Recipe.  Some cheffy friends have reported great results using Chocolate, Fig and other flavored Balsamic Vinegars.  Whatever you do, use the best one you’ve got  – you will not be disappointed!


Roasted Strawberry Sundaes

  • 1 pound strawberries – stemmed; halved or quartered if large
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • vanilla ice cream

Hull the strawberries and cut each in half through the stem end. (Quarter them if large). Place in a bowl and sprinkle vinegar over berries; toss well. Set aside at room temperature for 20 minutes. Preheat the oven to 400°F.

Put the butter in a baking dish just large enough to hold the berries in one layer. Place the dish in the oven to melt the butter. When it has melted, remove from oven and tilt dish to coat with butter. Pour strawberries and any accumulated juices into dish. Sprinkle sugar over strawberries and stir lightly. Roast on lower rack of oven until the strawberries are soft and liquid is syrupy, about 40 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool for at least 10 minutes. To serve, scoop ice cream into bowls and top with strawberries and syrup from baking dish.






A rustic dessert recipe for the last of the strawberries
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